Sunday, August 22, 2010

How can I list my home for sale on the internet and reach people in other parts of the country?

I have a home for sale in a very small town. I have put it on Craig's List, but they only allow you to post in ONE list for ONE city or area. I am looking for another similar way to list my home in larger cities. Preferably for free. I would appreciate any advice.

Thank You.How can I list my home for sale on the internet and reach people in other parts of the country?
There are two pretty good sites which are both free. They both require you to update your listing at least every 30 days.


I use these sites as well as the MLS. Unfortunately, the MLS does not transfer listings to these sites most of the time.How can I list my home for sale on the internet and reach people in other parts of the country?
Check out also. It's a newer place to list your home for sale and it's free.

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If your agent has it in the MLS it will be uploaded into every website known to man. Along with photos and often other documents.
I would hire a REALTOR...there's many websites that will allow you to list properties for sale free of charge! Just dig a little...
call them

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